Fabrica de derivados lácteos

Discover the Mazada Milk (Buttermilk)

Milk suckling
What exactly is buttermilk and why should you pay attention to it? Imagine a dairy beverage that encapsulates centuries of artisanal tradition, a mild flavor and a surprising nutritional richness. Such is buttermilk, a product derived from the butter-making process that has been appreciated by diverse cultures throughout history.
Discover how this unique dairy beverage offers a perfect combination of history, nutrition and culinary versatility that makes it an invaluable addition to your daily diet. Join us on a journey to explore the secrets of buttermilk and discover why you should consider adding this dairy treasure to your daily life.

What is Mazada?

Buttermilk, also known as buttermilk, is a dairy product obtained during the butter-making process. This white-colored drink with a slightly creamy texture is characterized by its mild sweet taste and multiple nutritional benefits.

Origin and process of obtaining buttermilk

The origin of buttermilk dates back to the Middle Ages, when shepherds produced butter by hand. To understand how buttermilk is obtained, it is important to know the butter-making process. This process begins with the cream, which is obtained by skimming whole milk. The cream is whipped, in a process known as buttermilk, which separates the fatty part (which is used to make butter) from the liquid part, which is the buttermilk. This traditional process has endured over the centuries and is still used today. Moreover, it is a completely natural process, since no additional ingredients are added: the buttermilk is simply the liquid part of the milk that remains after making butter.

Mazada powder: A versatile format for the industry

. Mazada powder is a concentrated, dehydrated form of this dairy product, which is widely used in the food industry. This format is preferred for its ease of storage and long shelf life. Powdered buttermilk is a key ingredient in the production of chocolate milkshakes from well-known brands such as Cacaolat, Cola-Cao, and Okey, giving these products their characteristic smooth and creamy flavor. In addition, its use in powder form allows for a more efficient integration in different food formulations, optimizing both the texture and the nutritional profile of the final products. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Nutritional properties of Mazada

Buttermilk is a healthy and nutritious beverage that is similar in many ways to skim milk. Its main nutritional properties include:
  • Calcium: One glass of buttermilk provides approximately 25% of the recommended daily amount of calcium, essential for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.
  • Proteins: Contains 3 grams of high quality protein per 100 grams, which helps the growth and maintenance of muscle mass.
  • Low fat content: It provides only 0.5 grams of fat per 100 grams, making it an ideal choice for those looking to reduce their fat intake.
  • Vitamins B2 and B12: These vitamins are crucial for normal energy metabolism and red blood cell formation.
The milk pudding
The milk pudding

At Beurrespa we are butter suppliers for industrial customers

Ways to Consume Mazada

Mazada is a versatile drink that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Thanks to its mild flavor and light texture, it is perfect to be consumed on its own, similar to a glass of milk. It can also be added to coffee or tea, used in fruit smoothies, mixed with cereals or granola, or even used to dip cookies or cookies. In addition, buttermilk can be used in cooking to add texture and nutrients to vegetable soups, sauces, and batters, such as the famous American fried chicken.

A Dairy Product with History

Buttermilk is not only valued for its nutritional benefits, but also for its rich history. This product has been consumed since ancient times, dating back to 3,500 BC in cultures such as the Mongols, Celts and Vikings. In Spain, the tradition of producing buttermilk comes from the cowherd culture of Asturias, where shepherds took advantage of this butter by-product.

However, it is important to keep in mind that clarified butter is still a source of saturated fat and should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. As with any food, the key is to enjoy it in moderation and as part of a varied and healthy diet.

The buttermilk in today’s market

Although buttermilk has been an important element in various cultures throughout history, its popularity has been limited in certain regions, such as Spain. However, with the growing interest in healthy eating and natural dairy products, buttermilk is gaining recognition in today’s market. Companies such as Aldi have begun to offer buttermilk on their shelves, making it available to a wider audience. This fermented dairy is becoming an attractive option for those looking for healthy and versatile alternatives to include in their diet.

Nutritional Value and Availability

The product offered by Aldi, for example, provides a significant amount of essential nutrients in an affordable and convenient presentation. With only 37 calories per 100 milliliters, and a moderate fat and carbohydrate content, Aldi’s buttermilk stands out as a balanced and nutritious option. In addition, its calcium content, essential for bone health, makes it an attractive option for those concerned about bone care.

The availability of buttermilk in supermarkets such as Aldi makes it easier to incorporate this product into the daily diet. Its versatility in the kitchen, combined with its nutritional value, makes it an attractive option for people of all ages and lifestyles.

Frequently asked questions about milk buttermilk

Buttermilk is a dairy by-product obtained during the butter making process. It is the liquid part of the milk that remains after the cream has been churned and the fat has separated to make butter. It is known for its mild sweet flavor and slightly creamy texture, which makes it distinctive among other dairy products.

The process of obtaining buttermilk begins with the cream, which is the fatty part of the milk. This cream is churned in a process known as buttermilk churning, which is the initial step in making butter. During this process, the cream separates into two components: the fat, which is used to make butter, and the buttermilk, which is the buttermilk. This buttermilk, or buttermilk, is then collected as a final product or can be used as an ingredient in various recipes.

Buttermilk is a dairy beverage that offers a variety of important nutrients. It is a good source of calcium, essential for bone and dental health, and also provides high quality protein, necessary for tissue growth and repair. In addition, it contains vitamins B2 and B12, which are crucial for normal energy metabolism and red blood cell formation. Despite its nutritional benefits, buttermilk has a low fat content, making it an attractive option for those seeking to maintain a balanced and healthy diet.

Mazada is a versatile beverage that can be enjoyed in many different ways. It can be consumed on its own, as a refreshing alternative to milk, or it can be incorporated into cooking and baking recipes to add flavor and nutrients. It can be used as a base for fruit smoothies, mixed with cereals or granola, or even as an ingredient in soups, sauces and marinades. In addition, buttermilk can be added to coffee or tea to give them a creamy and smooth touch.

Mazada has a rich and diverse history dating back to ancient cultures around the world. From Mongolian tribes to the Vikings and Celts, buttermilk has been an integral part of the diet of many civilizations throughout history. In Spain, the tradition of producing buttermilk dates back to the vaqueira culture of Asturias, where shepherds used this butter by-product in their daily diet. This long history and cultural tradition have contributed to the continued popularity and appreciation of buttermilk as a unique and nutritious dairy product.